Passion and quality
It is with passion for pictures and sports that we offer events our popular photography service to participants to attractive sports. We place our modern, professional equipment in the best locations and shoot highly qualitative pictures. And we enjoy every smile from the by-passing runners, skiers, cyclers,....
Due to our elaborate and efficient organisation one can find the pictures almost always in the course of the following 24 hours after the event, online on by searching with the start number, the photos are always already quality-proof and sorted. The fast service is accompanied by an easy order: the fastest way is directly on line. Our files may be downloaded immediately.
Is your event small, but outstanding? Is it a huge event, with thousands of participants? We match our offer to the needs of organisers and participants accordingly. The quality of our pictures, a prompt and pro-active service and reliability are our guiding values.
Alpha Foto GmbH has its quarters in and operates from Dietikon, close to Zurich. Our team is organised around the managing partner Felix Brunner. A solid back office is responsible for the prompt ordering service and the courteous phone and e-mail contact. We have access to a pool of professional, experienced and talented photographers that supply us with outstanding photographic results from our assignments.
Lerzenstrasse 27
CH-8953 Dietikon
Phone: +41 62 823 64 25